Monday, August 16, 2010

20100816 Filling the Pipeline

A creative person is like a shark.  We have to move forward or die. I was preparing the final proof edits for ROAD KILL when the idea for a cover for its sequel popped into my head.
I have only a title, outline and tagline, but I haven’t put one word to paper except for a few snatches of dialog. But bouncing about the back of my head was the cover idea. I just didn’t have any time to execute it. So one morning, at 4 AM, I got up and used the few minutes of “me time” to craft a mock up of the cover, using the same template as ROAD KILL (RK).

I did all the work in Photoshop(PS). I know just enough to do basic tasks in PS. I know a lot more about After Effects(AE), so I try to adapt the workflow I know there into PS. AE is meant for video, and I’ve used it extensively. PS is for stills, and I’ve not had much need for it. But it is a standard, so I’ve taught myself how to use it. One day I might take a full course, but I doubt I’ll ever have the time. I just bother Bill Spangler, my favorite photographer, and worry him with questions until I get the result I want. He made the mistake of helping me in the past, so now he’s stuck with me.

Quite frankly, I think it's more effective than the RK cover. The ice blue tone and pale white skin match the title and theme so well. The background is a backlit shot of an ice-cave. I did some careful cropping and logo placement on the model.

I have made a Black & White copy to go in the back of ROAD KILL, as a teaser for the next novel. It is to reinforce the message that this is a series.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Mark E. Poole

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! Love both covers but the second is especially compelling. Thanks for sharing.
