Sunday, January 22, 2012


After months of notes and preparation, I am finally writing A WHITER SHADE OF PALE. This is the next novel in the Jax Hayes series, and the sequel to ROAD KILL.  Jax is on administrative leave, as Federal and state officials attempt to sort out the mess that occurred in the first book.

I'm excited about this one - it's good to be back in the writing chair.

Below is the cover:

Friday, August 27, 2010

20100827 Print On Demand

ROAD KILL is now out there in a physical form on Amazon.
Does this mean I'm finally a novelist?
We can all dream...

Monday, August 23, 2010

20100823 ROAD KILL is Published in Paperback

A banner day, today. I arrived home to find a box of 5 proof copies of ROAD KILL the novel available for my review. The cover image is now light enough to see that it’s a girl lying naked at the bottom of the image, and all the corrections I made from the first proof are complete.

So I logged into CreateSpace, clicked the Approve Proof button, and got the confirmation.
ROAD KILL in paperback form is now available as print on demand from here:

It might be up to 2 weeks before it becomes available on Amazon, and there is potential for it to be picked up by other booksellers and libraries.  Smaller royalty, there, but every sale is going into my ROAD KILL movie budget fund.

So, if you are interested in reading the book, before the movie gets made, here’s your chance.

It’s a hell of a good read…

Mark E. Poole

Monday, August 16, 2010

20100816 Filling the Pipeline

A creative person is like a shark.  We have to move forward or die. I was preparing the final proof edits for ROAD KILL when the idea for a cover for its sequel popped into my head.
I have only a title, outline and tagline, but I haven’t put one word to paper except for a few snatches of dialog. But bouncing about the back of my head was the cover idea. I just didn’t have any time to execute it. So one morning, at 4 AM, I got up and used the few minutes of “me time” to craft a mock up of the cover, using the same template as ROAD KILL (RK).

I did all the work in Photoshop(PS). I know just enough to do basic tasks in PS. I know a lot more about After Effects(AE), so I try to adapt the workflow I know there into PS. AE is meant for video, and I’ve used it extensively. PS is for stills, and I’ve not had much need for it. But it is a standard, so I’ve taught myself how to use it. One day I might take a full course, but I doubt I’ll ever have the time. I just bother Bill Spangler, my favorite photographer, and worry him with questions until I get the result I want. He made the mistake of helping me in the past, so now he’s stuck with me.

Quite frankly, I think it's more effective than the RK cover. The ice blue tone and pale white skin match the title and theme so well. The background is a backlit shot of an ice-cave. I did some careful cropping and logo placement on the model.

I have made a Black & White copy to go in the back of ROAD KILL, as a teaser for the next novel. It is to reinforce the message that this is a series.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Mark E. Poole

Friday, August 13, 2010

20100813 Lucky Day

"It is written, so shall it be done."

ROAD KILL script has been entered into two screenplay contests just this morning.

Janice and I met on a Friday the Thirteenth almost 18 years ago, so we consider those our lucky days. I hope it grants me readers who are not too jaded or overworked to appreciate my script.

Give my work a fair shake, and I feel I've got a good shot at least the semi-finalists spots.  We all have our dreams...

Mark E. Poole